Audience profiling:
- when advertisers ar keen to define target audiences so that they can establish the right ideologies to make the target audience want the product.
Demographic Profiling:
- most basic forms of identification
- Age, Gender, Geographical area, Class, Economic Class, Religion etc...
- Simplistic ways of defining an audience because it assumes that everyone in a very broad group has the same attitudes.
ME: 17, female, west london (southall) working class, hindu
Psychographic profiling:
- market research categories an audience in terms of needs and motivation rather than simple demographic factors.
- the emotional quality of the brand gaining importance as the markets get cluttered with brands which are not well differentiated in terms of physical attritubes.
The four C's
-Cross Cultural Consumer Charateristics -
-categorises in terms of aspirations in terms of the audiences needs and wants.
Mainstreamers - largest group. They are concerned with stability nd security mainly buying well recognised brands and consuming mainstream texts.
Aspirers - Seeking to improve themselves. Buy high status brands names which they consum, absorbing in ideologies of the products as well as their own and believing in that their status is established by this consumption.
Suceeders - people who feel secure and incontrol in position of power. they buy brands which reinforce their feeling of control and power.
Reformers - actively consume eco-friendly products and buy brands which are enviromentally friendly supportive and healthy. By products that establish ' caring and responsible' ideology.
The individual - highly media literate, expects high production adverstising and buys product image, not product requiring high profile, sophisticated compaings.
Me: Already i spot a problem with this as i do not fit into ONE. there are a few i fit into. for example i do noy purchase branded clothes becuse to me a jumper is a jumper its there to kep you warm. A fone is a fone simply there to ring and recieve calls not to watch television or browse the internet. Therefore i consider myself a succeeder. I also think i am a reformer. being a veggiterian has had a influence on this as i like looking after the world. i walk to school , i dont like taking cars tubes or buses. i buy my make-up from the body shop as its proved not tested on animals. I aspire to be like the middle-upper class however i dont do this through buying big brands.
Lifestyle marketing:
-YUPPIES young upwardly mobile professionals.
- DINKYS double income no kids yet.
The LifeMatrix Segments:
- Tribe wired: digital, free spirited creative young singles.
- Fun/Atics: Aspirational, fun seeking active young people.
- Dynamic Duos: hard driving highly involvement couples.
- Priority parents: family values, activities, media strongly dominate.
- Home soldiers: home centric, fmaily orientated, materially ambitious.
- Renaissance women: Active, caring, affluent, influential mothers.
- Rugged traditionalist: traditional males values, love of outdoors.
- Struggling singles: high aspirations, low economic status.
- Settled elders: devout, older, sedentary lifestyles.
- Free birds: vital active altruistic senoirs.
- when advertisers ar keen to define target audiences so that they can establish the right ideologies to make the target audience want the product.
Demographic Profiling:
- most basic forms of identification
- Age, Gender, Geographical area, Class, Economic Class, Religion etc...
- Simplistic ways of defining an audience because it assumes that everyone in a very broad group has the same attitudes.
ME: 17, female, west london (southall) working class, hindu
Psychographic profiling:
- market research categories an audience in terms of needs and motivation rather than simple demographic factors.
- the emotional quality of the brand gaining importance as the markets get cluttered with brands which are not well differentiated in terms of physical attritubes.
The four C's
-Cross Cultural Consumer Charateristics -
-categorises in terms of aspirations in terms of the audiences needs and wants.
Mainstreamers - largest group. They are concerned with stability nd security mainly buying well recognised brands and consuming mainstream texts.
Aspirers - Seeking to improve themselves. Buy high status brands names which they consum, absorbing in ideologies of the products as well as their own and believing in that their status is established by this consumption.
Suceeders - people who feel secure and incontrol in position of power. they buy brands which reinforce their feeling of control and power.
Reformers - actively consume eco-friendly products and buy brands which are enviromentally friendly supportive and healthy. By products that establish ' caring and responsible' ideology.
The individual - highly media literate, expects high production adverstising and buys product image, not product requiring high profile, sophisticated compaings.
Me: Already i spot a problem with this as i do not fit into ONE. there are a few i fit into. for example i do noy purchase branded clothes becuse to me a jumper is a jumper its there to kep you warm. A fone is a fone simply there to ring and recieve calls not to watch television or browse the internet. Therefore i consider myself a succeeder. I also think i am a reformer. being a veggiterian has had a influence on this as i like looking after the world. i walk to school , i dont like taking cars tubes or buses. i buy my make-up from the body shop as its proved not tested on animals. I aspire to be like the middle-upper class however i dont do this through buying big brands.
Lifestyle marketing:
-YUPPIES young upwardly mobile professionals.
- DINKYS double income no kids yet.
The LifeMatrix Segments:
- Tribe wired: digital, free spirited creative young singles.
- Fun/Atics: Aspirational, fun seeking active young people.
- Dynamic Duos: hard driving highly involvement couples.
- Priority parents: family values, activities, media strongly dominate.
- Home soldiers: home centric, fmaily orientated, materially ambitious.
- Renaissance women: Active, caring, affluent, influential mothers.
- Rugged traditionalist: traditional males values, love of outdoors.
- Struggling singles: high aspirations, low economic status.
- Settled elders: devout, older, sedentary lifestyles.
- Free birds: vital active altruistic senoirs.
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